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The poetry of your language (La poesia del tuo linguaggio)

2024 - 19 minutes

A documentary by Matteo Valsecchi

In collaboration with Nereal

Inspired to the book

"Filololò paddles in the air. Alessia's story"

by Paolo Ghezzi and Emanuela Artini

published by Erickson

On 26th September 2024 the documentary will be 

at the Lecce Film Fest - Festival del Cinema Invisibile


Music: Andrea Taeggi

Sound: Daniele Riva

Visual effects: Riccardo Frizziero

Director, cinematographer, editor: Matteo Valsecchi

A poetic and unpredictable girl.

Alone, Alessia can do few things, but she invents surreal sentences, coins words, and memorizes hundreds of musical pieces. 

Every day, she surprises those with the sensibility to decode her new language.

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